Friday, January 15, 2010


This is Sean McConnell.

I love him.

Why, you ask?

Because his songs tell beautiful stories. Because his voice is unmatched by anyone I’ve ever seen perform live. Because he tells the truth in his music. And because his songs are great musically, as far as melodies, chord progressions, and head bobbing goes.

He’s one of those singers that makes you want to yell out “you BETTA sing!” or “Mmm!” after every other line.

He can quiet a bar venue with just his voice and an acoustic guitar. But don’t get him wrong, he definitely pumps out some “lyric-based roots rock,” as he calls it.

Please go visit his myspace at and buy his latest EP, The Walkaround EP.

He’s working on another album right now which I am super excited about because he will finally record the song I filmed on Wednesday night, which you (hopefully) watched above, among other songs we’ve been waiting for recordings of. :)

1 comment:

lovejoy.jennywren said...

I keep forgetting about him, but he is amazing. There is just something about the honestly in his songs, like you mentioned, that I love!