Friday, January 15, 2010


This is Sean McConnell.

I love him.

Why, you ask?

Because his songs tell beautiful stories. Because his voice is unmatched by anyone I’ve ever seen perform live. Because he tells the truth in his music. And because his songs are great musically, as far as melodies, chord progressions, and head bobbing goes.

He’s one of those singers that makes you want to yell out “you BETTA sing!” or “Mmm!” after every other line.

He can quiet a bar venue with just his voice and an acoustic guitar. But don’t get him wrong, he definitely pumps out some “lyric-based roots rock,” as he calls it.

Please go visit his myspace at and buy his latest EP, The Walkaround EP.

He’s working on another album right now which I am super excited about because he will finally record the song I filmed on Wednesday night, which you (hopefully) watched above, among other songs we’ve been waiting for recordings of. :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So, tomorrow is my LAST First-Day-Of-School ever.

Here are three things I'd rather do than go to school tomorrow:

1. Clean out my closet.
2. Spend 1 hour with Spencer Pratt. (okay, maybe 20 minutes.)
3. Go back to high school anatomy where things like this happened:

Oh, high school...

Sunday, January 10, 2010


There are few things that make my mouth happier than s'mores.

Because my lovely parents got me a firepit for Christmas I was able to test it out tonight with a few friends, and it was so fun. It will be more fun once it's like...y'know...40 degrees instead of 19...but what are you gonna do when the weather forgets we live in Tennessee and flurries for a day & a half?

We also tested out The Game of Things. We found out that some of us are a little racist, and most of us were inappropriate, but it was fun.

note: the object of the game is to write outrageous things while deceiving others so they are unaware of which response was actually yours. so the racism was not genuine. just to set the record straight, here. can't have any rumors floating around in cyberspace...

I also learned that a tree that grows baby T-Rexes would be more frightening in real life than it sounds.

Being back in Nashville is nice. Not quite ready to start classes on Wednesday...blah. That means I have to get kicked to the curb in about 5 months, and I am not okay with that.

I mean, really, I don't want to stay in school any longer, but I don't want to get a job either. Can't I just sleep through the next couple years and then pick up where I left off?

This post is just a stream of consciousness, which is totally not in keeping with my "Three Things" trend...Sorry. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow and will be more interesting.

EDIT: It is currently 13 degrees with a wind chill (aka "feels like") of THREE DEGREES. really??

Thursday, January 7, 2010


My creativity comes in waves. Maybe sometime soon I'll create something again that I'm proud of on this blog like this.


Proof that pop music in 2010 will not be nearly as good as 2009:

Please prove me wrong, music industry!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I gave my blog a makeover. I think it's not quite done yet, but I like the layout and theme a lot.

In keeping with my "Three Things" theme, which will continue indefinitely, I've decided to name three things I liked about 2009 and three things that will hopefully happen in 2010.

Three Things I Liked About 2009.

1. Pop music.
I feel like the caliber of pop music was much higher in 2009 than it has been in previous years, especially the early 00's. Or maybe my standards have just been lowered. But seriously, you can't tell me THIS isn't awesome.
I mean, let's face it. Everything Beyonce and/or Timbaland touches turns to gold. Lady Gaga decided to see how much nonsense she could throw at us before we would revolt [answer: limitless], all the while serenading us with catchy tunes at a flaming piano. Party in the USA set up camp in your head for weeks on end. And that-dude-who-sings-that-"Down"-song [I finally learned his name is in fact Jay Sean] was being played constantly on the radio. Yes, 2009 was a year for pop music greatness.

2. The return of Michael Jackson's greatness

I admit it, I too thought of Michael Jackson as a freak. It's not our fault, though. We missed out on all the good times. We came in at the beginning of the end--the 90's. Okay, he made some good music back when he was black, but essentially all we knew about him was that he used to be black and now looked like a cross between a monkey and a skeleton, he may or may not have harmed small children, and he dangled his child whom he lovingly named "Blanket" over a balcony.

But after his death (which was on my birthday, no less), all the freakdom fell away and we were left with just his talent. Yes, it was over publicized and he was NOT God, although Madonna may beg to differ, he was a talented musician and we were finally able to appreciate that without all the chaos seemed to follow him everywhere.

"This Is It" was a great outlet for that. We got to see him be a real person. Critiquing his band, cracking jokes, singing. It was interesting and really fun to see him be a normal person. And hear all the great songs he performed.

3. The sudden nation-wide interest in a cappella music and show choirs

A) Glee. B) The Sing-Off. Enough said. Under-appreciated genre that is now rising to the top. It will inevitably fade out as a fad, but for now, I'm enjoying it.

Three Things I Hope Happen in 2010

1. I get a job.
2. Nick Jonas sticks with his solo career.
3. I learn to play my mandolin well.