Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Watched a movie in my Media Ethics class today, which, by the way, is the most pointless waste of time, filled with girls' half-baked arguments about why one person shouldn't be helped if everyone can't be helped...

..but I digress.

The video was about advertising and how the leading advertisers try to tap into our inner desire to be a part of something. Anything, really. It was interesting because they researched what makes people want to join cults, and applied that to advertising.

One of the main points was fulfilling needs--unconscious and conscious. Community was one of them.

It just made me think about our humanity and how we all long for the same things. And there is a reason for that. I loosely paraphrase CS Lewis in saying that for every desire there is something to fill it, and if we find in ourselves a desire which we cannot fill on earth, our only conclusion can be that we are made for another world.

It's humbling and makes me feel connected to the rest of the world, in a way, to remember that we all long for community--to be known and loved. To feel included. It gives me hope that there is a way to reach people who are extremely different from you--common ground.

Of course as Christians we know this. We are created to be in community. Hence, Eve. I mean, let's face it. No one likes being alone. At least not for more than a couple days.

We reflect our Creator who already lives in community via the Trinity.

It's just interesting and a little disheartening to know we're all searching for the same thing and some people will never find it because they are looking in the wrong places.

It's a little cliche, but I guess that's because it's true. The "God-shaped-hole" you learn about in 7th grade Sunday school holds true--even if it does turn into Christianeze.

So the point of the movie was that products become a sense of identity--Mac users, Coke drinkers, TOMS and Chaco wearers, Hummer drivers (although really, who wants to be THAT guy?)--you name it.

It made me think. I do identify myself with things I use/drink/wear.

Why does that junk matter? Sometimes I realize that I am ridiculous.

...And then forget it the next day.

[This post didn't really become what I wanted it to be. It's a little more scattered than I intended, but I'm listening to John Mayer's new album simultaneously so I'm kind of just writing what I'm thinking.]

The End.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


As I sit and stare at my computer screen, listening to the squeals of the insane So You Think You Can Dance? judge, who for Lord knows what reason finds it acceptable to burst ear drums at her every whim, I try to think of something to write.


I'd like to do some creative writing, but I've gotten that sucked out of me by a journalism class.

That's lame. I thought I was pretty decent at that. Hopefully I'll rediscover that next semester. Or maybe not.

Then I'd like to write some passion-filled rant about something that really grinds my gears, but I've got nothing.

What can I say? Life is good.

I mean, I graduate in May with a degree in a field of which I am currently in my first semester, but y'know..besides that. Seriously. Why couldn't I just figure out that I hate Music Business after my first year like everybody else?

Sigh. Maybe I should just make a list again.

Well, here are some conclusions I've recently come to about myself:

-I gossip. ...Right? Who knew? It's got to stop.
-I will forever be a creature of habit, meaning I will forever have to give myself 3 separate reminders when I have to do something out of the ordinary the next day.
-Maybe I should stop trying to make things last longer and clinging to past experiences in an effort to preserve them and just accept that life moves on, which is not necessarily a bad thing.
-I've become more materialistic since I came to college. Darn you, Belmont hipsters!
-I really like scarves. I can wear them with t-shirts and look like I actually tried.
-I seriously cannot watch any more R-Rated movies. I just can't. There are either naked people, torture, or gore in them. My Disney-filled brain and active imagination can't handle it.

Well, there you have it, folks. Blog post number 1 since september. I hope it wasn't a disappointment. Maybe something will make me angry tomorrow and you'll get a more intelligent post.