Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This morning my Intro to PR teacher said, while admitting that he'd grown up in a different era,

"When I was growing up, when the President spoke, you listened."

It would be an exciting thing to hear what he had to say or get the chance to meet him. I mean, he was THE President.

I think most people would agree that element of respect and reverence for the leader of one's [our] country has diminished greatly. At least among those who do not agree with the leader's policies. We concurred in our class that perhaps that decline was set in motion during the Clinton term, mostly due to the scandals he was involved in.

It makes my heart a little sad that that sort of general admiration and attitude of respect towards the President has been lost.

Anyways, I read the speech President Obama made today for the school kids. I thought it was awesome. I think there's something special about the President of our country taking the time to address just the students. I mean, when was the last time our President spoke directly to you and your peers? I think it would be really cool to feel included in that group. I think the fact that he took the time to do that was great. And I think the speech was actually rather moving.

It made me sad, once again, that people who do not share his opinions on issues almost automatically expected the worst from our President. But if he had spoken these words to me, I would've felt a little inspired. :) Let's face it, he's got that whole public speaking thing down.

Click here if you're interested in reading the transcript.

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