1. "Break Even" A song that Dave Barnes tweeted about. I actually thought it was catchy & well-written. And I didn't care for their first single. Click the link to see the YouTube video.
2. I read John recently, and a couple things stood out to me that hadn't before.
-Jesus prayed for us. [John 17:6-26} As in, Jesus talked to God on our behalf. Asking Him to take care of us. It was really humbling and brought a new level of humanity to Jesus for me. I love that. He's not just some all-powerful being bestowing things upon us. He prayed for us just like we pray for others. Except this is the King of Kings speaking. Hm.
-The last verse in John, via the ESV:
"Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written."- John 21:25.
Wow. Beautiful, yet once again humanizing. I love when you can relate to the author of the book just by the nature in which they wrote. Like he's actually just having a conversation with you. I love that it leaves you hanging a little bit, too. That there are great things about Jesus that we don't even know about. Awesome.
3. I'm being baptized at my church next Saturday. I'm getting excited about it actually. I'm excited to actually do something I know God has been wanting me to do. I'm excited to have that experience and know what it feels like. I'm a little nervous just because of the whole being-in-front-of-hundreds-of-people thing...but y'know. It'll be good.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
As I was enduring the frozen tundra that is the beaman weight room, sitting in that little blue chair, I decided to peruse the magazine rack for something to occupy my time.
The cover of a TIME magazine with a wedding cake on the cover, mentioning the importance of marriage in the title, caught my eye. I actually found the article to be very interesting. I mean, a popular magazine actually arguing FOR marriage, not just commenting on the decline of it? Hm.
Some points that stood out to me:
- The decline of the institution of marriage can be attributed to different motives per socio-economic class.
"The poor are [forsaking marriage] be uncoupling parenthood from marriage, and the financially secure are doing it by blasting apart their unions if the principals aren't having fun anymore."
-One of the previous arguments for children doing exceedingly well with two parents was that if you account for income level, the presence of a father is not the cause for poor performance in children. In this article, they found that across the board, even in lower income scenarios, children from two-parent households far exceeded the performance and achievement of children from one-parent households. Even if the one-parent household child is in a more wealthy family than the child from a two-parent household, the two-parent household child exceeds the other.
-A president that actually challenges men to step up and honor the commitment to raising a child. Regardless of politics, I admire this statement by our President:
"We need our fathers to step up, to realize that their job does not end at conception; that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child but the courage to raise one."- Barack Obama
-A reason for marriage other than happiness and romantic love: to raise the next generation.
"Children have a primal need to know who they are, to love and be loved by the two people whose physical union brought them here. To lose that connection, that sense of identity, is to experience a would that no child-support check or fancy school can ever heal." -Blankenhorn, President of the Institute for American Values
-An explanation for the troubles cohabitating adults have when a child is brought into the picture:
The child arrives in a family that hasn't resolved its most basic issues, i.e. sexual fidelity and division of responsibilities. The woman starts making wife-like demands on the man, and with no binding commitment, the man leaves.
-A pattern forming: adults are becoming increasingly less willing to put in the hard work and personal sacrifice it takes to maintain a marriage. President and Michelle Obama are often admired for still being "in love." They took a period of separation to work on their marriage and are now in a better place.
-An observation re: Jon Gosselin
The article says that he lives "as though loving the kids and doing right by them were unrelated events."
-The general public delights or even experiences "relief when a standard bearer for the 'traditional family' fails to pull it off."
-Once again, a different reason for marriage than being "in love" and "happy" all the time:
"To raise the next generation. To protect it and teach it. To instill in it the habits of conduct and character that will ensure the generation's own safe passage into adult-hood."
..Something to think about.
The cover of a TIME magazine with a wedding cake on the cover, mentioning the importance of marriage in the title, caught my eye. I actually found the article to be very interesting. I mean, a popular magazine actually arguing FOR marriage, not just commenting on the decline of it? Hm.
Some points that stood out to me:
- The decline of the institution of marriage can be attributed to different motives per socio-economic class.
"The poor are [forsaking marriage] be uncoupling parenthood from marriage, and the financially secure are doing it by blasting apart their unions if the principals aren't having fun anymore."
-One of the previous arguments for children doing exceedingly well with two parents was that if you account for income level, the presence of a father is not the cause for poor performance in children. In this article, they found that across the board, even in lower income scenarios, children from two-parent households far exceeded the performance and achievement of children from one-parent households. Even if the one-parent household child is in a more wealthy family than the child from a two-parent household, the two-parent household child exceeds the other.
-A president that actually challenges men to step up and honor the commitment to raising a child. Regardless of politics, I admire this statement by our President:
"We need our fathers to step up, to realize that their job does not end at conception; that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child but the courage to raise one."- Barack Obama
-A reason for marriage other than happiness and romantic love: to raise the next generation.
"Children have a primal need to know who they are, to love and be loved by the two people whose physical union brought them here. To lose that connection, that sense of identity, is to experience a would that no child-support check or fancy school can ever heal." -Blankenhorn, President of the Institute for American Values
-An explanation for the troubles cohabitating adults have when a child is brought into the picture:
The child arrives in a family that hasn't resolved its most basic issues, i.e. sexual fidelity and division of responsibilities. The woman starts making wife-like demands on the man, and with no binding commitment, the man leaves.
-A pattern forming: adults are becoming increasingly less willing to put in the hard work and personal sacrifice it takes to maintain a marriage. President and Michelle Obama are often admired for still being "in love." They took a period of separation to work on their marriage and are now in a better place.
-An observation re: Jon Gosselin
The article says that he lives "as though loving the kids and doing right by them were unrelated events."
-The general public delights or even experiences "relief when a standard bearer for the 'traditional family' fails to pull it off."
-Once again, a different reason for marriage than being "in love" and "happy" all the time:
"To raise the next generation. To protect it and teach it. To instill in it the habits of conduct and character that will ensure the generation's own safe passage into adult-hood."
..Something to think about.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Happy International Justice Day!
Learn about International Justice Day and why its important from Mocha Club's new video here!:
I've been trying to figure out what God wants me to do with my life lately. Trying to find where my passions lie. And although I am still unsure, I see this video, hear stories, read articles, and I just can't help but seriously consider going into a nonprofit to help people around the world overcome injustice. We are so blessed to live in a country where, while we are not immune to injustice by any means, we have things like clean water and accessible healthcare.
I hope that our generation can stand together against these injustices and love as Jesus loved, never neglecting the needs of our brothers and sisters, who exist both in and beyond our own nation.
Thanks for reading!
Learn about International Justice Day and why its important from Mocha Club's new video here!:
I've been trying to figure out what God wants me to do with my life lately. Trying to find where my passions lie. And although I am still unsure, I see this video, hear stories, read articles, and I just can't help but seriously consider going into a nonprofit to help people around the world overcome injustice. We are so blessed to live in a country where, while we are not immune to injustice by any means, we have things like clean water and accessible healthcare.
I hope that our generation can stand together against these injustices and love as Jesus loved, never neglecting the needs of our brothers and sisters, who exist both in and beyond our own nation.
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
1. Community College = LAME. (...no offense..)
2. I want to start using the phrase "right??" like they do on How I Met Your Mother.
3. Today when I was watching a YouTube video someone linked to of an 1983 MJ performance, I realized that I've never really watched Michael Jackson perform from his earlier days. I've only heard the songs and seen the music videos. Hm. I kind of feel like I missed out by like 10 years. Bring on the next prodigy, society. We're ready.
4. This Sunday I was a little mad at God because I feel like He never talks to me. He never gives me a definitive answer. I know, I know. It's because I'm not listening, right? I've heard that all before. But seriously. I felt (and still do a little) that he speaks clearly to other people and not me. Or either they are making it all up, and they don't really know the difference between their own wishes/the "right" thing to do vs. God's voice telling them what to do. I was extremely frustrated. I mean, really. SPEAK IN AUDIBLE WORDS PLEASE. Maybe it was because I was being honest with Him in my head, or maybe I just needed to wait it out (although I feel like I wait out a lot of things and then just end up doing what I think I should do without any definitive "DO THIS." from God)...but I feel like He gave me closure that day. I feel good about my decision. And whether that is His voice or not, maybe I'll never be 100% sure. But I am reassured. And that's what I needed.
5. If you haven't heard Derek Webb's new album, Stockholm Syndrome, go to derekwebb.com and buy it. You get an immediate download even if you buy the physical cd. It is bold and thought-provoking. Listen closely.
6. I want to discover my passions in life and figure out what I am good at. Right now I don't know, but I'm trying.
7. I have one year of college left. AHH. I will try to make the absolute most of it!
8. Maybe I should write a collection of short stories. I know they would probably have little to no literary value as far as utilizing rhetorical devices go...but I would enjoy it. The first will be Captain Planet's awkward high school years, co-written by Edwin.
9....And I want a Sham-Wow.
1. Community College = LAME. (...no offense..)
2. I want to start using the phrase "right??" like they do on How I Met Your Mother.
3. Today when I was watching a YouTube video someone linked to of an 1983 MJ performance, I realized that I've never really watched Michael Jackson perform from his earlier days. I've only heard the songs and seen the music videos. Hm. I kind of feel like I missed out by like 10 years. Bring on the next prodigy, society. We're ready.
4. This Sunday I was a little mad at God because I feel like He never talks to me. He never gives me a definitive answer. I know, I know. It's because I'm not listening, right? I've heard that all before. But seriously. I felt (and still do a little) that he speaks clearly to other people and not me. Or either they are making it all up, and they don't really know the difference between their own wishes/the "right" thing to do vs. God's voice telling them what to do. I was extremely frustrated. I mean, really. SPEAK IN AUDIBLE WORDS PLEASE. Maybe it was because I was being honest with Him in my head, or maybe I just needed to wait it out (although I feel like I wait out a lot of things and then just end up doing what I think I should do without any definitive "DO THIS." from God)...but I feel like He gave me closure that day. I feel good about my decision. And whether that is His voice or not, maybe I'll never be 100% sure. But I am reassured. And that's what I needed.
5. If you haven't heard Derek Webb's new album, Stockholm Syndrome, go to derekwebb.com and buy it. You get an immediate download even if you buy the physical cd. It is bold and thought-provoking. Listen closely.
6. I want to discover my passions in life and figure out what I am good at. Right now I don't know, but I'm trying.
7. I have one year of college left. AHH. I will try to make the absolute most of it!
8. Maybe I should write a collection of short stories. I know they would probably have little to no literary value as far as utilizing rhetorical devices go...but I would enjoy it. The first will be Captain Planet's awkward high school years, co-written by Edwin.
9....And I want a Sham-Wow.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
A Fictional Story.
By: Laura Fagan
It's not like I think about him every day, y'know. I mean, I have a life. I do yoga. My dog loves to watch The View with me every morning. Mr. Ramirez, the mailman, and I have actually formed a substantial acquaintance. And besides, it's not as if I haven't tried to forget. Maybe I should just pour myself into my work like those cocktail-drinking business women in the movies. At least then I wouldn't have time to consider the important things in life, which, for me, would be an improvement.
If it weren't for that damn MyBook.com, I would never have had to see his face again after college. How does social networking manage to sound so appealing yet make my life miserable? I mean, having all the details about a person they choose to share with the internet world (which admittedly is often far too much) at your fingertips? It's fascinating! It fulfills my inner child's lifelong dream of becoming the next Harriet the Spy. But therein lies the danger. My vice. I don't WANT to look. But there he is. Just standing there, the gleam of the camera flash reflecting off the mirror just enough to give the picture that amateur glow. As if he isn't brilliant at everything. But I digress.
I suppose it doesn't help that I still frequent the same gym in which he is currently employed. So what, I'm just supposed to abandon all regard for physical fitness because of a little undying, unrequited love for Get Fit's employee of the month? Uh, I don't think so. That would be a crime against my very flesh. And I don't condone propitiating future pain by simply refusing to embrace a few challenges...
I still have his t-shirt, you know. I mean, the fact that it is even in my possession in the first place is somewhat of a mishap. But is it my fault that people leave things lying around in the laundromat dryer while they go make change for a dollar? I've been planning the return of the shirt for the last two weeks, and I think I've come up with a brilliant solution to fill the pit of longing in my very soul. Closure, that is. Upon casually returning the shirt, ("oh, hi, i believe you dropped this the other day...") he will either confess his feelings for me in a dramatic scene of unleashed hidden passion... or walk away, t-shirt in hand. And in that serendipitous moment I will know in my heart whether or not it is meant to be.
THEN I will pour myself into my work.
The manager of the kitchen appliances department will be thrilled.
By: Laura Fagan
It's not like I think about him every day, y'know. I mean, I have a life. I do yoga. My dog loves to watch The View with me every morning. Mr. Ramirez, the mailman, and I have actually formed a substantial acquaintance. And besides, it's not as if I haven't tried to forget. Maybe I should just pour myself into my work like those cocktail-drinking business women in the movies. At least then I wouldn't have time to consider the important things in life, which, for me, would be an improvement.
If it weren't for that damn MyBook.com, I would never have had to see his face again after college. How does social networking manage to sound so appealing yet make my life miserable? I mean, having all the details about a person they choose to share with the internet world (which admittedly is often far too much) at your fingertips? It's fascinating! It fulfills my inner child's lifelong dream of becoming the next Harriet the Spy. But therein lies the danger. My vice. I don't WANT to look. But there he is. Just standing there, the gleam of the camera flash reflecting off the mirror just enough to give the picture that amateur glow. As if he isn't brilliant at everything. But I digress.
I suppose it doesn't help that I still frequent the same gym in which he is currently employed. So what, I'm just supposed to abandon all regard for physical fitness because of a little undying, unrequited love for Get Fit's employee of the month? Uh, I don't think so. That would be a crime against my very flesh. And I don't condone propitiating future pain by simply refusing to embrace a few challenges...
I still have his t-shirt, you know. I mean, the fact that it is even in my possession in the first place is somewhat of a mishap. But is it my fault that people leave things lying around in the laundromat dryer while they go make change for a dollar? I've been planning the return of the shirt for the last two weeks, and I think I've come up with a brilliant solution to fill the pit of longing in my very soul. Closure, that is. Upon casually returning the shirt, ("oh, hi, i believe you dropped this the other day...") he will either confess his feelings for me in a dramatic scene of unleashed hidden passion... or walk away, t-shirt in hand. And in that serendipitous moment I will know in my heart whether or not it is meant to be.
THEN I will pour myself into my work.
The manager of the kitchen appliances department will be thrilled.
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